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Introduction to PEAK

Introduction to PEAK and videos

Overview Dashboard

How to navigate the overview dashboard and understand the key metrics.

PEAK Alerts

Learn how to use PEAK Alerts to monitor equipment performance and escalate into Actions

PEAK Charts

Learn the tools to analyse, chart and trend your buildings historical and real-time performance

PEAK Actions

This guide shows you how to use PEAK Actions to easily raise tasks, track progress, collaborate with others and maintain a complete digital history of your building.

PEAK Meters

Learn the tools to chart and analyse your buildings meter and sub-meter utility consumption

PEAK Indoor Environment

Monitoring Thermal Comfort and Humidity. Tracking performance and escalating Actions

Logging in to PEAK platform

Troubleshoot logging in to the PEAK platform and resetting passwords

User Management

Adding and removing users, password resets and understanding access and roles

API & Integrations

Open REST API portal and integrations using Zapier

BMS Integration

CIM integration and connectivity requirements

Building Engineering Guides

Tips and tricks for building operators to troubleshoot and take control of their equipment