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PEAK Meters

How PEAK Meters works. How to perform trend, load profile and energy breakdown analysis. How to share and export your data

Howie avatar
Written by Howie
Updated over a week ago

Use PEAK Meters to uncover your building’s electricity, gas and water usage at both a high and granular level.

Sections in this article

1. What is PEAK Meters?

With PEAK Meters you have control over your energy and water data to perform:

  • Trend Analysis - Graph usage, costs and emissions over time and compare vs historical periods

  • Load Profile Analysis - Visualise load shape of your building to detect spikes, peak demand and changes to overnight baseload

  • Energy Breakdown - Identify areas of significant energy use and spot trends

  • Submeter Analysis - Drill deep into individual submeters to pinpoint spikes

  • Sharing - Share quick links and export your analysis with your team

2. Overview of PEAK Meters

Access PEAK Meters via the sidenav under “Meters”

1. Control Fields

Key control fields to customise your energy data query:

  • Site - select from sites you have permission for

  • Utility Type - select from electricity, gas or water data

  • Meter - view all your meter and submeter data. Select Reportable as a shortcut to select your base building reportable meters (configured in site settings, contact CIM support for assistance)

  • Start and End Date - your start and end date range displayed as your Current Period

  • Aggregate Period - aggregate your time interval by interval data, daily, weekly or monthly

  • Group By - group and segment your data by stream, meter or all

  • Consumption Type - display data as usage, cost and/ or emissions

  • Compare Previous - overlay and compare historical period data

  • Draw Chart - run the query and draw your chart after updating control fields

2. Scorecards

Summary scorecards of current period vs previous period:

  • Current Period Total - aggregate usage, cost and emissions for current data range selected in control fields

  • Previous Period Total - aggregate usage, cost and emissions for the historical selected compare previous period

  • Variance - absolute and percentage difference between current and previous period

3. Chart Visualisation

Chart trend and analyse your utility data query.

  • Analyse - hover over chart to see data and percentage changes. Click and drag to zoom closer in to period

  • Display Chart Type - customise trend chart style (line, column, stacked) by clicking on hamburger icon (top right) and then Select Chart Type

  • Share and Export - export all data as csv as flat or pivot by clicking on hamburger icon. Download chart as image or share your analysis as a quick link by copy and pasting the URL at any time

3. Trend Analysis

Graph usage, costs and emissions over time and compare vs historical periods.

For a high level overview of your energy usage the following controls are suggested:

  • Start and End Date - set End Date as the last date of the previous month and set Start Date 12 months ago on the first of the month

  • Aggregate Period - select 1 month to aggregate on a monthly basis

  • Group By - select "All" to display the sum of all your individual meters and streams

  • Consumption Type - select from Usage, Cost or Emissions

  • Compare Period - select "Day", "Week", "Month", "Year" to compare your data against a previous period or "Select Start Date" to compare against a period starting on a specific day (e.g. year before CIM engagement, prior to COVID or upgrade works)

4. Load Profile Analysis

Visualise load shape of your building to detect spikes, peak demand and changes to overnight base load usage.

For a granular level analysis of your energy usage the following controls are suggested:

  • Start and End Date - select the specific date range you are interested in based on your high level overview trend analysis or the most recent month

  • Aggregate Period - select any interval less than a day (5 min, 15 min or hourly)

  • Group By - select "All" to display the sum of all your individual meters and streams

  • Consumption Type - select from Usage, Cost or Emissions

  • Compare Previous - select "Year" to overlay data from the previous 12 month period, "Week" to compare against previous week, or "Select Start Date" for a custom period.

  • Weekdays - toggle weekdays to Align to match the same day of the week against the compared previous period (i.e. align current Monday to closest Monday of previous period)

5. Energy Breakdown Analysis

Identify areas of significant energy use and spot trends for deeper analysis.

To breakdown energy use by main meters, streams and sub-meters the following controls are suggested:

  • Group By - select “Meter” or “Stream”

  • Compare Period - select “None” to first identify your areas of significant energy use and spot any anomalies

  • Select Chart Type - in the top right of the chart click the hamburger icon and then “Select Chart Type” then select “Stacked”

6. Sharing and Exporting Data

Share and export data via the following methods:

  • Download Chart Image - select hamburger icon, click save as JPEG or PNG

  • Export Data - export data as CSV by clicking Export CSV or clicking Pivot Table to view chart data in pivot table format and then click Export CSV button

  • Share Chart - bookmark or copy and paste the URL and share with a teammate. Anyone with the same site permissions will have access to your saved chart view

7. Split Charts

Split your charts for more granular analysis:

  • Split Meter or Stream: select hamburger icon, click Split by Meter/ Stream

  • Split by Consumption Type: select hamburger icon, click Split by Consumption

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