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nHaystack for Tridium Niagara Systems
nHaystack for Tridium Niagara Systems

nHaystack overview and installation guide.

CIM Support avatar
Written by CIM Support
Updated over 2 years ago

nHaystack is a free Niagara system service; a RESTful API protocol allowing visibility over FOX/FOXS points instead of BACnet protocol. We do not require any custom tagging so we would expect the installation and setup to take 15-30 minutes, and can be done remotely.

Further information can be found here:

Please find the step by step Haystack installation process below:

1. Download haystack for N4 or AX ( we typically recommend v3.0.1 Beta ), move the jar files into the appropriate Niagara folder --> vendor name/niagara version/modules.

AX will have 1 nhaystack file, while N4 will have 2.

To ensure this is the right location, check the version of Niagara (this one is

2. Restart niagara service.

3. Login to webstation, open nHaystack in palette, and drag the service into services.

NHaystack Service in palette and in services location.

4. Click on nHaystack service and initialise via the Haystack point manager view, or right click the service > actions > initialise.

5. Confirm nHaystack is properly initialised and active.

Successfully installed. Note it is enabled, Servlet is ok, and num points is > 0.

6. Along with the service installation, we would need a couple more details to allow us to access the API.

We would need:

  • The static IP address and port (likely 80 or 443) used by the machine that nHaystack is installed on.

  • The FOX/FOXS ports (1911/4911) to be open so we would be able to log in once connected.

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