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Exporting Actions

How to export and share Actions externally

Howie avatar
Written by Howie
Updated over a week ago

Sections in this article:

1. When should I export an Action?

PEAK Actions can be shared with and accessed by all users on PEAK who have access to a given site. All Action tickets have a unique URL that can be accessed and forwarded.

However, there are instances when you may want to save or share your Action tickets externally with users who do not have access to PEAK. These may include:

  • Sharing progress updates with external stakeholders. For example, owners, asset managers, property managers and tenants;

  • Requesting budget and PO approvals. For example, requesting approval to fix equipment failure and sharing background information captured in the Action;

  • Sharing wins with external stakeholders. For example, energy saving initiatives and early identification of major failure;

  • Sharing a list of Alerts and Actions to external contractors. For example, during DLP; and

  • Saving a hard copy of your completed actions.

2. Export an individual Action

Here is how to export, save and share an individual Action in PEAK:

Open any individual Action ticket:

  1. At the bottom of each ticket click on the button "Export"

  2. In the new window click on the button "Save PDF". This will open a print view in your web browser

In your print preview mode click on the destination and select "Save as PDF". Then click the button "Save" to download the PDF file.

When exporting individual Actions all comment history will be included as well as an Appendix of all image attachments.

3. Export in bulk Actions

Here is how to export, save and share multiple Actions in bulk via PEAK:

Navigate to "Reports":

  1. Select the site you want to export Actions

  2. Choose your settings. For example, start & end date and filter by status. Then click the button "Generate"

  3. Wait for the PDF generation to complete then click the Download button

Note that when exporting Actions in bulk via Reports you will not be able to access the Comment and Attachments associated with that Action. This can only be achieved via exporting an individual action (as outlined above).

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