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Overview Dashboard

How to navigate the overview dashboard and understand the key metrics.

Alex Shan avatar
Written by Alex Shan
Updated over a week ago

Overview dashboard

The overview dashboard helps you quickly understand key metrics for your buildings:

  • Electricity: Understand your current electricity usage compared to the same period last year.

  • Comfort: Find out the building’s comfort level during operating hours.

  • Equipment: Assess the uptime and reliability of building equipment.

  • Activity: Keep track of how many actions your team has progressed and completed.

Use this dashboard for quick assessments and comparisons across your building portfolio, identifying both areas for improvement and successes.

Core metrics


Displays the building’s name along with its geographical location.


Reflects the year-on-year change in electricity usage for the past three completed months, by default, expressed as a percentage. Calculations are based on electricity meters tagged as "Reportable." For more details, go to the "Metres" page or see the Meters support article.


Captures the total number of updated and closed actions, offering a snapshot of the onsite team’s activity. For a full list of actions, including their status and the person assigned to them, go to “Actions Manager” or see the Actions Manager support article.


Uses traffic light indicators, rankings, and a percentage score to relay the thermal comfort performance within each building. This metric assesses the percentage of time all temperature sensors are within ideal comfort conditions during the building’s operating hours. For more on the methodology and configuration options, refer to the Indoor Environment support article.

Comfort scores are ranked from "Excellent" to "Poor", based on data across all sites on the platform. An "Excellent" ranking represents the top 10% of all sites, while "Poor" represents the bottom 10%.

Comfort rankings are benchmarked using the same standardised score for all types of buildings and locations. For buildings with special conditions, the ideal comfort ranges can be configured for each specific site, level, or zone.

Equipment performance:

Equipment performance uses traffic light indicators, rankings and a percentage score to give you an idea of how well the equipment and systems in each building are functioning. The metric is based on a standardised score ranging from 0% to 100%.

Types of equipment score:

  • Rule score: Percent of time the rule was not in alert for given equipment

  • Equipment score: Percent of days the equipment had no rules in alert

  • Equipment type score: Average of the equipment scores of that equipment type

  • Site equipment score: Average of the equipment type scores of that site

The overview dashboard displays the site equipment score at the building level and the equipment type score at the drill-down level for each building.

Drill-down features

Drill-Down features are only available for sites on the Premium tier. Contact us if you would like to upgrade your site from Standard to Premium.

By clicking on “View site details”, you can access more granular metrics for each building:

  • Monitoring: Summary of what is being monitored in the building, including sensors, equipment, thermal zones, and deployed rules.

  • Thermal comfort: Floor-by-floor breakdown of comfort scores.

  • Equipment performance: Lists categories of equipment and their respective performance scores.

  • Team: Summary of onsite team members, like building managers and contractors associated with each building.

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