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Actions Manager

Overview of Actions Manager and how to search and filter Actions

Howie avatar
Written by Howie
Updated over a week ago

Actions Manager is a list view of Actions to help users search, filter and manage all their Actions across multiple sites.

Access Actions Manager from the sidebar by clicking Actions and then Manager

  1. Manager: Open Actions Manager from sidenav.

  2. Sites: Select single or multiple sites. Default selects sites you have been directly added to.

  3. Status: Filter results by status (New, In Progress, On Hold, Closed, Not Doing).

  4. Assigned: Filter results by Action assignee. Click on company to filter by all company assignees.

  5. Action Title: Search by title across Action tickets.

  6. Author: Filter results by comment author.

  7. Updated: Filter by date Action last updated. Updated column is sortable, click to toggle sort by oldest to newest actions by date last updated.

  8. Advanced Filter: Shows advanced filter options including filtering Actions by equipment type, name, archive.

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