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Approving Actions

How to assign tasks and responsibilities to the correct person.

Howie avatar
Written by Howie
Updated over a week ago

Approving tasks and responsibilities is as simple as tapping the Approve button and auto sending an email to the correct person.

  1. Approve: Tapping Approve button opens the Approve Action form.

  2. To Recipient: Auto-populates the assignees contact email address and cc's the current user. You can add additional email recipients with comma separation.

  3. Subject: Auto-populates the subject of the email with the name of the site and Action name.

  4. Email Body: Auto-populates the body of the email with details of the Action including Description, Equipment affected and specific Solution required for the assignee to resolve and a secure link to the Action ticket allowing user to add comments and resolve the Action.

  5. Send: Tapping Send button emails the Action ticket to the recipients.

After sending the email, the Action ticket will automatically move to be In Progress. The responsibility is now for the assignee to action and provide progress updates by way of Comments.

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